Richard Woo maintains an independent piano studio in the greater Princeton area of New Jersey. He worked on the executive boards of both the New Jersey Music Teachers Association and the Piano Teachers Forum of Central New Jersey. He adjudicates statewide piano performance events for students. Mr. Woo has served on the piano and music theory faculties at Westminster Conservatory of Music of Rider University, and he has been an instructor of piano secondary courses at Westminster Choir College and The College of New Jersey. He holds Master of Music degrees in Piano Pedagogy and Performance and in Music Education from Westminster Choir College, a diploma from the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music from the United Kingdom, and he is a Nationally Certified Teacher of Music with the Music Teachers National Association.
Our son has been studying with Mr. Woo for 7 years now. During this time, we have watched Austin transition from a young student into a mature and accomplished pianist. Over the years, Mr. Woo has taken a genuine interest in understanding Austin’s goals as a musician and has provided tools to help him focus on achieving those goals and even reaching beyond them. Mr. Woo is positive and optimistic and his ability as a teacher is exceptional. Mr. Woo’s knowledge, patience and flexibility have been incomparable. Our son’s opportunity to study under Mr. Woo has proven to be invaluable and, as parents, we are grateful for all that he continues to offer.
Sam and Kym
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